Special Certifications

Not only do our therapists have advanced training and certifications in their fields of speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy, they also utilize a variety of treatment modalities to enhance the outcomes of their patients. Read more about our specialized treatments by selecting a program on the right.

NDT/Bobath (Neuro-Developmental Treatment/Bobath)

“…is a holistic and interdisciplinary clinical practice model informed by current and evolving research that emphasizes individualized therapeutic handling based on movement analysis for habilitation and rehabilitation of individuals with neurological pathophysiology. Therapeutic handling, used during evaluation and intervention, consists of a dynamic reciprocal interaction between the client and therapist for activation of optimal sensorimotor processing, task performance, and skill acquisition for achievement of participation in meaningful activities.”

Cayo C, Diamond M, Bovre T, et al. The NDT/Bobath (Neuro-Developmental Treatment/Bobath) Approach. NDTA Network. 2015;22(2):1.

For more information, visit www.ndta.org


“DIR is the Developmental, Individual-differences, & Relationship-based model that has become the foundation for understanding child development and providing support and intervention that helps children reach their fullest potential.  The DIR® model is also a framework that helps clinicians, parents and educators conduct comprehensive assessments and develop educational and/or intervention programs tailored to the unique challenges and strengths of each child.” For more information, visit http://www.icdl.com/

Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT)

“The Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) measure the sensory integration processes that underlie learning and behavior. By showing you how children organize and respond to sensory input, SIPT helps pinpoint specific organic problems associated with learning disabilities, emotional disorders, and minimal brain dysfunction.”

“Based on decades of theory development and earlier standardized tests, the SIPT represents a sound assessment tool for the evaluation of sensory integration and praxis in children. The SIPT’s implications for the field of occupational therapy are important and widespread.”

An Overview of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, July 1990, Vol. 44, 589-594. doi:10.5014/ajot.44.7.589.


“PROMPT is an acronym for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. The technique is a tactile-kinesthetic approach that uses touch cues to a patient’s articulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through a targeted word, phrase or sentence. The technique develops motor control and the development of proper oral muscular movements while eliminating unnecessary muscle movements, such as jaw sliding and inadequate lip rounding.” For more information, visit http://www.promptinstitute.com.


“PECS was developed in 1985 as a unique augmentative/alternative communication intervention package for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disabilities. First used at the Delaware Autistic Program, PECS has received worldwide recognition for focusing on the initiation component of communication. PECS does not require complex or expensive materials. It was created with families, educators, and resident care providers in mind, so is readily used in a range of settings.” For more information, visit http://www.pecsusa.com/pecs.php

Kinesio Taping®

“…rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting.” For more information, visit www.kinesiotaping.com.

SOS Approach to Feeding

“…uses a transdisciplinary team approach which assess the ‘whole child’: organ systems, muscles, development sensory, oral-motor, learning/behavior, cognition, nutrition and environment.” For more information, visit www.sosapproach-conferences.com.

Sensory Integration

Helps “…children improve their ability to accurately detect, regulate, interpret, and execute appropriate motor and behavioral responses to sensations so they are able to perform everyday ‘occupations’ in a functional manner.” For more information, visit www.spdfoundation.net.

Handwriting Without Tears®

“…draws from years of innovation and research to provide developmentally appropriate, multi sensory tools and strategies.” For more information, visit www.hwtears.com.

Vital Stim®

“…used as an adjunct to traditional swallowing therapy, VitalStim® has been found to be safe and effective for patients, accelerate the recovery time from a restricted diet, and help patient achieve sustained improvement and long-term results. The evidence base for VitalStim® has grown significantly in recent years. The lasting effect of VitalStim® was demonstrated in a 3- year follow-up study submitted to the FDA that showed improved swallowing function was maintained.” For more information, visit www.djoglobal.com/vitalstim.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

“…includes all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. People with severe speech or language problems rely on AAC to supplement existing speech or replace speech that is not functional. Special augmentative aids, such as picture and symbol communication boards and electronic devices, are available to help people express themselves. This may increase social interaction, school performance, and feelings of self-worth.” For more information, visit www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/AAC.

Loving Touch Infant Massage

“Infant massage is a bonding activity between parents and their children. In the most basic terms, infant or pediatric massage refers to the process of stroking the muscles of an infant using a variety of specialized massage techniques. Vocalization, eye-to-eye contact, and other positive behavioral reinforcements are also important components of the massage.” For more information, visit http://www.lovingtouch.com

Yoga for the Special Child®, LLC

“Yoga for the Special Child®, LLC is a multi-level comprehensive Program of Yoga techniques designed to enhance the natural development of children with special needs. Our style of Yoga is gentle and beneficial, safe for babies and children with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Microcephaly, Autism and other developmental disabilities. These methods also provide an effective treatment for children diagnosed with ADD, ADHD and Learning Disabilities.” Visit www.specialyoga.com for more information.