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Check out these resources to learn more:

Kids Developmental Clinic – Four pediatric clinics to serve you

Autism Society of America

Autism Speaks

National Autism Association

Arc of Greater Houston – Resources for People with Disabilities

STAR Institute – Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation

SIGN (Sensory Integration Global Network) – Resources for the Sensory Processing Disorder Community

CAN DO Houston – Obesity Prevention Resources

United Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Guide

Cerebral Palsy Group

Developmental Delay Resources

Muscular Dystrophy Association

KidsHealth – from Nemours Healthcare System – Northeast US

National Down Syndrome Society

Center for Parent Information and Resources

Texas Education Agency

Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association

Great Advice on Fun and Safe Toys for Kids

ReelAbilities-Houston – Films and Video Event

Understood – Information about Learning Difficulties and Resources

My Child Without Limits – Information regarding CP, Muscular Dystrophy, Down Syndrome, Autism, Epilepsy, Rett Syndrome, Spina Bifida

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